৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫, এখন সময় বিকাল ৫:৩০ মিনিট
  1. অন্যান্য
  2. অর্থনীতি
  3. আইন-আদালত
  4. আন্তর্জাতিক
  5. কৃষি
  6. খুলনা
  7. খেলাধূলা
  8. গণমাধ্যম
  9. চট্রগ্রাম
  10. জাতীয়
  11. ঢাকা
  12. তথ্য-প্রযুক্তি
  13. ধর্মতত্ত্ব
  14. প্রকৃতি-পরিবেশ
  15. প্রবাস জীবন

Shahjada Sayed Saifuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari awarded honorary doctorate degree

A K Nahid
মে ২৪, ২০২৩ ৬:০৬ অপরাহ্ণ

Shahjada Sayed Saifuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari was awarded an honorary doctorate degree during his participation in the ‘Tenth Annual Conference on Sufism’ held at the University of Muhammad Al Awal in Guelmim, Morocco recently, said a press release. The conference focused on the influence of Sufi Tariqas in shaping contemporary society.

During his speech, Shahjada Sayed Saifuddin Ahmed Al Hasani highlighted the importance of certain factors such as sustainable development, political stability, good governance, human rights, and religious independence. He emphasized that Sufism represents the essence of Islam, emphasizing the purification of the heart and soul. Sufism promotes tolerance, compassion, generosity, and a liberal attitude towards others. It encourages love for the Creator and His creations. He also mentioned that Bangladesh is a land of Sufi Saints, and Sufis demonstrate love for all people regardless of their religion, race, color, or social class. The aim is to foster peaceful coexistence among individuals with different viewpoints and ideologies.

সর্বশেষ - আইন-আদালত